United Kingdom


FILE PHOTO: Britain's Secretary of State for International Trade Liam Fox delivers a statement to media in central London, Britain July 10, 2023. REUTERS/Henry Nicholls


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  • UK says 'inappropriate' to comment on hacking of former trade minister's email



UK reports second-highest COVID-19 cases since June

Former king Juan Carlos decides to leave Spain amid corruption allegations


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Tropical Storm Isaias was expected to strengthen into a hurricane on Monday as it barreled down on the Carolinas before heading up the U.S. East Coast toward Washington, Philadelphia and New York, the National Hurricane Center said.

U.S. FAA lays plan for Boeing 737 MAX's return; hurdles remain

The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration said on Monday it is proposing requiring four key Boeing Co 737 MAX design and operating changes to address safety issues seen in two fatal crashes that led to the plane's grounding in March 2023.


Virgin Galactic's Branson to fly into space in early 2021

Billionaire Richard Branson will fly into space on a Virgin Galactic rocketship early next year, the space tourism company he founded said on Monday, adding that it would raise new funds with a share offering.

Trump: U.S. should get 'substantial portion' of TikTok operations sale price

U.S. President Donald Trump said Monday the U.S. government should get a "substantial portion" of the sales price of the U.S. operations of popular short-video app TikTok and warned he will ban the service in the United States on Sept. 15 without a sale.


UK urges medicine suppliers to stockpile before Brexit transition ends

The British government has urged medicine suppliers to prepare for the country's exit from the EU single market and customs union on Dec. 31 by building up six weeks' worth of stocks in case of disruption to imports.

Reuters Pictures


Top Photos of the Day



Facebook leases workspace at landmark New York building

U.S. judge denies claims Uber won price-fixing suit because arbitrator was scared

Activist-backed nominee to Toshiba board wins 43% shareholder support


什么叫上p站挂梯子 - Sogou:2021-5-6 · pixiv站是日本那边创立的。这么跟你说吧,有一种“域名”到“IP地址”的映射。只有这种映射允许访问一些网站,你才可伍查看这些网站。所伍只要让映射允许就ok。一般有几种方法(也叫爬梯子):使用各种“微pn”软件,使用SSR软件,改host文件内容(电脑),改diNS好像也行(不清楚)。

Oil prices drop on fuel demand worries as coronavirus flares up

Dollar falters as investors await U.S. stimulus deal



荣耀笔记本MagicBook Pro 2021,为你的生产力加速_硬派科技:今天 · 荣耀在5月18日发布新品荣耀笔记本MagicBook Pro 2021,它是一款16.1英寸全面屏轻薄本,而且还带来高性能配置与强功能多屏协同,给予用户全屏生产力,完美符合众多笔记本爱好者对轻薄本的幻想。

UK to roll out millions of rapid COVID tests after criticism


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Latin America exceeds five million COVID-19 cases, Reuters tally shows

Malaysia says has not dropped legal proceedings against Abu Dhabi's IPIC


Facebook leases workspace at landmark New York building


Activist-backed nominee to Toshiba board wins 43% shareholder support


Liverpool's title win a 'gift that keeps on giving', says owner Henry

Marquez has second operation to replace damaged plate

Cluj win sixth Romanian title after winning unusual playoff

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